My Little Angels

My Little Angels

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Third and final marathon this summer!

One super happy boy!

After 4 and a half hours of running, I was actually crying at this point, but I put on a good face for Ryan at the finish line. I didn't hit a wall til mile 25, pretty good considering I usually hit one at miles 18-22. It got so hot 84 degrees people in the neighborhoods were spraying us with their garden hoses.
Our friend who came to see us Linda and Greg from MI and Pam and Jeff from Springfield.
Shanker and Pam the two best friends a girl could ask for.
We went to the American Girl store and got Kit for Sofie. She is mesmerized by this doll, I think she is also a little afraid of it cause the eyes open and close.
This is a kitten that was on our back deck two weeks ago. Something got to him he only has half a tail, he had a pneumothorax, which resolved on its own. He was a bag of bones, so after a trip to the vet for some diarrhea and antibiotics, he is thriving. But we don't need another cat, does anyone want him?

Morning of the race, Ryan was a peach and went down stairs and got me a coffee from starbucks. Can't run without coffee. Or do anything for that matter.
Getting ready!
Coffee and getting ready to start, so many people. A fun race.
The sun coming up over the lake.
Everyone waiting to start, it was this crowded the entire time. People of all shapes sizes and ages were running. This sport knows no limits when it comes to shapes ages and sizes. It is very personal and the entire team you worry about is yourself. It is nice to only compete with myself in my own mind. Crazy what you can push your body to do.


Anonymous said...

Cherie, I'm so proud of you! You continue to inspire!

Cara said...


You are amazing! Besides the physical challenge of the race, I would be terrified to be "alone" out there with all those people. I'm not a fan of huge crowds and I think that running by myself would be scary. But maybe with a friend...

There is one pic of Sophie that looks so much like you--do you think she looks like your baby pics?

Kimberly said...

You go girl!! Esp. love the morning needing coffe pic...I cannot identify w/the running (maybe someday) but I CAN identify w/the coffee addiction! I agree w/Sophie...that doll is a little too "real" :)

Mary Ellen said...

I cracked up at that morning shot of you - scary Cherie! "-)

I'm amazed at the amount of PEOPLE in that one shot, how in the wide world does something that huge get organized?!?

As someone who couldn't probably run to the end of my driveway and back to my house - I'm beyond amazed at the thought of running for four and a half hours - IMPRESSIVE!!!

jenny said...

Go Cherie!! So sorry we were away and couldn't connect. That is an incredible feat that I just can't quite wrap my mind around...but your right it is amazing what we can push ourselves to do when we look deep inside and refuse to give up.

Your man gave a lovely acceptance speech and I am deeply moved by the historical significance.