My Little Angels

My Little Angels

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Chi-town here we come!

Well, no pictures on this post, just a little update. Ryan and I are leaving tomorrow afternoon for our favorite place on earth, CHICAGO!!!!!! Yep, this weekend is the big race weekend. I ran Chicago in 2002 and I am really looking forward to doing it again. The atmosphere there is unlike any other and it will be soooo good to be back "home". (just wish the cubbies were playing) So I hope to set a PR this time, and with the two previous marathons in the past 6 weeks at high altitude, I hope to beat my 4:24. Ryan and I are meeting with some super awesome friends-- the Aussies who live in Indy, Beck and Jamie, and our friends from Springfield, Jeff and Pam and of course it wouldn't be Chicago without Greg and Linda from Grand Rapids. We are kid free as Micah is going to have them here in Farmington for 3 nights! EEEKKKKK! I have never left them for that long before, but I have all the confidence in the world in that girl. So wish me luck and pray I don't die. You can track me on the Chicago marathon website, please don't laugh--too hard! The race starts Sunday morning at 8 am Chicago time.


Maria Ansley said...

Good Luck Cherie on the PR. I hope you have great success. I will try to track your status. I hope you have great weather or at least better than last year.

Anonymous said...

good luck with the race.....kick some chicago-butt! talk to you soon.

ANK said...

Hi, Cherie! Congratulations on yet another finish -looks like you had a great race - with a very steady pace to boot! :) Hope you guys had a great weekend in Chicago.
