This is the dorky hat up close that I bought at the expo while registering. Holds all the gel and stuff you can stuff in it. I am such a running dork. OK doesn't this smile look like I am going to chomp someone's achille's off? EEEAAASY.
Testing out the hat, running in place. Can you say NERDO?

This is my friend Amanda who went with me to the race. She is fast, so we stuck together the first 15 miles and then I sent her off into the wild blue yonder, she ended up finishing the race 15 minutes before me. The first 8 miles of the race were uphill, but not bad. The race then was downhill and we really kicked it up for about 5 miles, cruised. Beautiful course, and pretty enjoyable. There were great aide stations every couple of miles, and then as we were running down the hill into the city, with the moutains behind us, there were hot air balloons ascending.

Here we are at 4:30 in the morning, we were up at 4 am. The race started at 5:30, and we had to be at the bus by 4:45. We have to get up about an hour or so before the race to eat and get the caffeine in us and also, accomplish bodily functions. Nobody wants to squat and do THAT behind a bush.

After the race just before we were on our way home. It seemed weird to be there without Ryan cheering me on. He was home with our babies, and I missed them. By the way I finished the race in about 4:36-4:40, won't know til they post the final numbers on the marathon website.

Got her a butterfly outfit in Albuquerque. She loves the pretty dress up stuff, such a girl.

This is the first of many more bruises to come. This happened
Friday morning under the watchful eye of my husband...... Sofie was in bed with me watching sesame street, Jack was in the bathroom with Ryan while he got ready for work. All was peaceful and quiet, enjoying my child and my coffee in bed. All of a sudden I hear Jack screaming bloody murder. Then, all of a sudden I see Ryan falling, with nothing on but shaving cream, and Jack in his arms. WHAT IN THE WORLD???? Both are now lying on the floor, my husband, like I said, nothing on but shaving cream, and Jack with this HUGE goose egg on his head. (Jack was trying to crawl in the bathroom and bonked his head on the track to the closet door). So Ryan, in a hurry trying to bring Jack to me, got his toe stuck in the bottom of the door and fell with Jack in his arms.
Flippin shaving cream EVERYWHERE. Then Sofie starts crying because she sees her dad lying on the floor in pain and Jack screaming,
LORDY. All this
chaos at 7:30 in the morning. So this was the cause of all the commotion, the big goose egg.