My Little Angels

My Little Angels

Friday, May 9, 2008

Jumpin Jack

This is more like "I puked" but for information's sake he did just get done "pooing". He had just finished eating and I thought that we were in the clear with the spit up. Guess not. He probably gets his clothes changed on an average of 3 time per day--I guess I say, I SHOULD change him that much, but I get pretty tired of it so a lot of the time he stays in his pukey clothes, hence he smell like spit up most of the time. Boys are WAY messier than girls. Sofie just didn't get so stinky and dirty. Baths for him are mostly a nightly occurrence.

This is my Jumpin Jack. He will sit in this jolly jumper for an hour and bounce away! Sofie was never a big fan of it. I am glad I kept it cause he loves it! Also, the dog loves Jack, I think it is because of all his stinky boy smells! Very interesting for Syd.