My Little Angels

My Little Angels

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Jack Christian Naffziger

Hi everyone, he was born on Thursday November 29th at 8:12 A.M. He is 7 pounds and
9 ounces 20 inches long. And thankfully perfectly healthy. So little! I was in the hospital for only a day and a half and they let me go home early because everything went so well! It was Ryan's birthday and he got the best birthday present in the world. It is now hard to believe that Jack was completely unplanned and now we can't imagine life without him! Wishing you all the happiest of holidays!
I got to have Jack in the recovery room!! He is about an hour old here.
Our first real family shot. Sofie is very curious about Jack. She is into pointing to her facial features, well, she does that with Jack but ends up almost poking his eye out. So far no jealousy that we can tell. Just so very curious!
Ryan's Mom and Dad have been here since before Thanksgiving and have been so helpful with Sofie. They have also been cooking up a storm while I was in the hospital! Good food like, scallop potatoes and baked beans and soup and all kinds of stuff.

Baby Jack is Here!

I told Ryan that he better not sneek that shot in at another angle--nobody wants to see that!
There he is--I get to see him for the first time. No sweeter sound than that first cry---more like a wailing from Jack!
Great APGAR first one an 8, second one a 9!
Looks a ton like Sofie did, she had more hair though. That old man hairline cracks us up. Sofie had the same.