My Little Angels

My Little Angels

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Halloween and More

This little cutie patootie is Delany and she is a month old. Our friends Joe and Sheridan were here from Oregon for a visit and we had such a nice time seeing them. I just wish they could have stayed longer. They used to live here and then they moved away about a year ago and we sure do miss them. They make the best little mommies in the world....She is precious
The happy little family.

Ryan and I all dressed to go to the annual hospital awards banquet, it is the one time a year I actually get really dressed up. And the one time a year Ryan wears a suit.

Is this the future musician?

Jack stuck under the table, he couldn't figure out how to get out. He was crying, and I was laughing. Poor boy.

We threw a big Halloween party and had about 50 people show up. It was a real success Ryan's nurse Tiffany and her husband also named Ryan. He made his grill out of tin foil.

O.K. Here is Ryan and Virgil being the "Fire and Ice" characters from the movie
Blades of Glory. Yes, these grown men wore unitards, and it was really funny.

Two goof balls.

Our neighbor Ronnie, a very ugly old lady.

Our Neighbors John and Stacey

Mario and Luigi

Our neighbor Michelle and Virgil's Wife Becky

Jim and Melissa

Kung fu Panda

Taking Sofie Trick or Treating.

My little Tinker Bell

Little boy witch.

Standing up and starting to walk.

Two girlie girls


Anonymous said...

You and Ryan looked great! I love to get dressed up and go out like that!

Your Halloween party looked like a smashing success! Bryan and I did that one year and it was so much fun!

Yeah for Jack!

Anonymous said...

Go Jack!! I love that he sang along.

I'm really impressed with the Halloween costume creativity. I've never been quite that brave. =)

Hope you're doing great! Blessings!

Mary Ellen said...

Well look at you all dressed up fancy, don't you look purty. "-)

It's so much more fun to have a dress up party when people actually DRESS UP! The creativity of the costumes was quite impressive. The gum girl cracked me up, those commercials are so funny and weird all at the same time.

Ok, I have to ask..WHERE does one even find a leotard for grown men? Now that I've asked, am I sure I want to know!?!? Ha!

Just one thing was missing from those pictures and it was...YOU! And your costume was______ I hope you fill in the blank, or even a photo!

Kimberly said...

I also love Jack singing along...too sweet. 1st the very precious pic of Ryan and his son then IN A LEOTARD!! Oh my! I have failed to see that high-brow movie, but I think seeing these pics will suffice:) What a fun lookin time!

(And you are looking mighty fine for that fancy party...Wow!)

jenny said...

I'd have to say I don't think anything could top your costume from last year...but then again I think you are the girl to top any challenge. I, too, wondered what you & Ryan went as!

You looked smashing for the hospital event.

I ran 4 miles this week (2x) and squeezed in 2 miles on Friday. This is progress for old Jen-jo. Since I cannot run the 10k we did last year due to traveling...Tom is going to measure out a course and we are going to have the first ever "Tom & Jen 10k" at my mom's in PA on Thanksgiving. I'll let you know if I make can say a prayer.