My Little Angels

My Little Angels

Friday, August 15, 2008

Goin to the Fair

Sofie and I got to pet the cow, she was really pretty scared of it. Ended up that the farmer who owned this cow was a former hand patient of Ryan's. So we got special treatment for petting. We went to the county fair this past week and really had fun eating corn dogs and looking at the animals. There was a christian band contest and Sofie really got to groovin to the music of Jesus.
And for all of you who are interested, the marathon training is going good. I have 3 coming up. Albuquerque the 31st of this month, Boulder Backroads Sept 21, and Chicago the 12th of October. My main goal right now is to really use my recovery days, and run long on my running days.(Last Saturday ran 20 miles and thought I was going to die.) And stay injury free, the worst so far is just a HUGE blister on my right heel and a few missing toe nails. So far so good. It is very time consuming, so I cut back on my work hours until these marathons are done. I am up at 5 am and out the door by 5:45 am so it really doesn't cut into the time with the kids too much.
She loved the fake horse, was afraid of the real ones. We have a timid little girl.
Petting the bunnies.
Loving the carousel.
Sweet sweet boys. How about those dimples! I could just munch on them all day! I am talking about Jack-of course.
Went to TJ Maxx for their end of season sale and came home with some stuff for Sofie, she was pumped. She loves her "pretty" clothes. The Fashionista in training.
Drinking a HUGE lemonade at the fair.
There were pigs in the background, can't see them. She thought they were pretty funny.
Ryan is drooling over this tractor, he wants to get it for when we start building our cabin in Silverton. It snows so much there it could be useful, I think he just wants the big toy.


Anonymous said...

20 miles. Wow. Can't really get my head around that. You go girl!

Anonymous said...

Kudos to you on your marathon training! Got a friend who is doing the Leadville 100 Mile Trail Run this weekend - CRAZY! You all are inspirations to me and my little run around the block! :-)

Loved the picture of Jack and his huge smile! He's such a cutie! Looks like the fair was lots of fun and I totally know what you mean about boys and their toys! Bryan has mentioned several times he would like a bulldozer "just to push the dirt around"! Hmmm, guess it's a guy thing!

Kimberly said...

Those dimples are SWEET!:)

Well, i cannot relate to the running but will cheer you on...very impressed! At least in my mind I am more motivated to "shape up" after seeing all those mega-buff bodies at the Olympics! Did you watch the women's race?

Also loved seeing Sophie in her fashion mode...cutie pie! Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

The pictures of the kids at the fair are darling. Sofie's hair is really growing--we see she now has ponytails. Of course, Jack's dimples are the cutest. Can't wait to see them both.
Love, Grandma & Grandpa

Anonymous said...

The fair looks like it was a blast! Cherie is my new hero - three marathons in 6 weeks and getting up at 5am to run. I feel like a true slacker!
> -Amy

christina grandstaff said...

You go girl!!!!
Let me know what your plans are for Chicago. Can't make any promises...but we've been wanting to get away for a weekend! I'd LOVE to come up and cheer you on!