My Little Angels

My Little Angels

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Night Away

Ryan and I got to get away for a night and we went to Santa Fe which is a 3 hour drive from our house. We went there last when I was pregnant with Sofia and Ryan had a meeting --so I tagged along. We had wonderful meals and experienced the Opera. This time, he wasn't on call and we had really nothing planned, so we went for an over night without the kids for the fist time EVER (in 2 years). Micah (cah cah), stayed with Sofie and Jack, and I nervously, went away with my husband. The kids did great, I don't think they noticed. Jack actually slept til 7 am, which he is always up early when we are home. We had 7pm dinner reservations at our favorite Italian restaurant, they serve the BEST fois gras! So after our 3 hour dinner--haven't seen those in awhile, we walked around the wonderful art shops in the Santa Fe square, and went and listened to some music. We found this store that wasn't there 2 1/2 years ago, that is properly named after me. :) If any of your are Napoleon Dynamite fans please take note of the Inn name in the back ground. It is La Fonda --ie."la-fawn-dah" he he.
Enjoying some music and each other's company. During dinner, Ryan presented me with a wonderful present for Mother's Day. He picked out a wedding band that goes with my current set that is encrusted with Sapphires and Diamonds. What a really lovely surprise, I was crying in the restaurant and as I was looking at it I dropped it on the floor, under the table, somewhere, and the waiter had to come with a flash light and we found it. What a freakin commotion. Needless to say, he surprised me and Sapphires are my favorite, so he did well. I have to say it looks lovely with my wedding set. Spoils me rotten--as if a night of wonderful food and music weren't enough.
Here is a little bragging on Ryan. He made this piece and it is in our living room. He actually made it for our friends Dianna and Paul who live in Telluride--I will be sad to part with it. Ryan loves to use different mediums and textures. There are all kinds of stuff going on in this. What a talented guy right?
I think she learned this from somewhere??? I wonder??? Talking on the phone that is, not the shirt off part, she got that from Daddy. I got her up from her nap and she had her shirt off. Lately she has been waking up with various pieces of clothing removed. I dread when the diaper comes off.


Mary Ellen said...

Good for you two for going away alone - smart couple!

Too funny about dropping your gift - I can TOTALLY picture the whole thing, made me laugh just imagining.

I like the lighter hair color, looks nice.

Kimberly said...

So fun...congrats. on the gift..sounds like Ryan knows he has a "jewel"!

I LOVE Ryan's art...very cool!

I wrote this on mine, but in case you didn't see it...I did not do Suzuki...not really a choice by my parents, just the great teacher we found. I think that's the big issue...finding a great teacher. I had a more traditional, "whole music" method. I started in 1st grade. Suzuki seems to start young. That's all I know! Love ya!

Dámaris said...

Hi Cherie, so glad I found your blog. This might shock if you still remember. I first met you in Guatemala on a TLC I was your "translator" hahahahaha, it's kind of embarrassing to think that I was actually translating for you guys. How in the world did you trusted what I was translating? I don't know, but as you can see I am still working on my English, ha Anyway, you do have a beautiful family. Your kids are adorable and you look great. I enjoyed those HSBC pictures. what fun times.

Dámaris said...

Hi Cherie, It’s so good to hear from you. We live in Idaho. Roger and I own a business here, and I am still a translator (of course!! more sophisticated now) after practicing on you guys, I kinda liked it. I found you through Julie French’s blog. We are friends with them, and of course a bunch of more people from HSBC. I have been slowly getting back in touch with a lot of them. It’s been fun to see what everyone is up to now and see their families. I am glad your friends finalized their son’s adoption before all the turmoil in Guatemala. I think as of right now they pretty much have put a stop to it. It’s sad.

I am not sure if the clinic is still in Barillas, if Mike kept it going or who did because Dr. Arnoldo had to leave soon after his wife got sick. She passed away about 5-6 years ago due to a cancerous tumor in her brain. Dr. Arnoldo now has a clinic in Guatemala city right next to Duren’s church.

I still hold on to all those memories made in Barillas, you guys were a lot of fun to hang with. Remember when you got sick in the middle of the night? I felt so bad for you, lots of fun memories
Anyway we are doing great, Heather is 7 and Kristen 3.



julie f said...

So glad you could get away with your hubby...doesn't it feel strange to not have little people to take care of?

I loved the story of the ring...I can so picture you on the floor looking!It's good to know you are still the same "Cherie!"