These are our really great friends who flew in from Denver (1hr flight) with their youngest daughter, Avery. They left their 5 year old home with Grandma and came for the weekend. It was so nice to have them, Denver is a good 7 1/2 hour drive from us, so with us both having 2 kids, and busy lives, it is hard to see them as much as we would like. Bill and Jen graduated from the same high school and the same class but never dated, I think, til after college. Ryan was 2 years ahead of them and also went to the same school. They are all
Delavanites! Bill and Jen married in 99 and Ryan was in their wedding and Bill was in ours. So you can say they are good old friends. Though I haven't seen Jen in a year, we talk all the time on the phone, and it felt like we had just seen each other yesterday, gotta love friends like that. Jen is such a good mom and it is so nice to have a sounding board especially for discipline. (We did time-out for Sofie the first time this weekend) Also
introduced me to these no spill cheerio holder cup things. She is such a great friend and it is nice that they have adopted me into their friendship with Ryan so easily. They are truly friends that you can just let it all hang out with. Totally cool.

Sofie's toe poked through her pajamas, she was amazed that she could see her toe.

Avery and Sofie in the tub. Avery is 2 1/2 months older than Sofie, and she is a big kid, but, Sofie is even bigger. We have an appointment tomorrow at the Dr. I am interested to see what percentile she is in. Avery was such a sweet girl, she shared really well with Sofie--better than Sofie did with her. Very cute to see them play together,. they did great. Avery's vocabulary is a little better than Sofie's so it was fun to hear her talk to
Sof. "
Sosie come here,
Sosie sit!" Future
BFF? Like their Moms?

The boys, it was a team effort to change that diaper.

Jen and I did 6.5 miles that morning, she is training for the Boulder Boulder 10k next weekend. So we got up and going and then treated ourselves to a little TJ Maxx shopping spree and found all kinds of brand name jeans for super cheap. Then later, we put the girls to bed and Micah came and we all went to dinner. The other girlie is my good friend Becky. Her and her husband, Virgil, enjoyed a night out with us. It was good times.

The dudes, Bill, Ryan and Virgil. These guys are totally
goofy when they get around each other. Ryan adopts Bill's, I don't know how to describe it, tone, and they sit there and razz each other all night. (Jen says Bill adopts Ryan's tone) I guess it is the way they talk to each other, weirdos. Funny.

Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit the weekend before and brought this toy that Ryan played with when he
was little. So, here is a prize shot of Sofie. She loves that toy and to run around naked with just a hat on.

Jack and Sofie in the tub together. I know, enough of the naked pictures. I can't help it, they are just too cute. Jack just sits there and laughs at Sofie.

Ryan and his dad went out on the San Juan quality waters and fished with a guide. (father's day present to each other). I am
sooooooo jealous. Those fish are awesome, they catch and release. The water flow was too much so they had a boat and got rained on, but a fun time was had by all.

Ryan's mom and baby Jack. Grandma painted Sofie's toes and finger nails and Sofie thought that was the coolest. Grandma had a hard time keeping her still, but Sofie loves to point to her toes and say "pretty". She is such a girlie girl, I love it.

Grandpa and baby Jack. Sofie adores "pa pa" we tried to get her to say "grandpa" but she came up with "pa pa" so that is what we call him. After they left she walked around to the doors in the house yelling for "pa pa". She
definitely missed them when they left.
We all did.
This is my giggly litlle fella. I am serious, he is like this all the time. Happy boy.