My Little Angels

My Little Angels

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Busy Bee

Well, we had just returned home and I was all unpacked and then, my busy little bee wanted to help. It was all of a sudden very quiet. And you know there is trouble when it is quiet. I had just put everything away and she pulled clothes off the hanger, rearranged perfume bottles and playing dress up with my shoes. All in a matter of about 45 seconds. She is a little tornado. How do they do it, and so fast? All is well here and the weather has been nice. The kids are sleeping great, both are on very nice schedules (baby wise, once again, is the greatest miracle). I started to run again last week and feeling pretty good. Right on schedule with the half marathon training for the end of May. (running is hard when you are breast feeding uggg) Then the big training starts in June for Chicago, and I am actually looking forward to it. Right now I am up to 5 miles at a time, can't imagine when I start the 14-18 milers. One day at a time. Micah, our babysitter comes every morning, so that gives me a chance to go to the gym. I am incorporating weight training this time with the running. Ryan is back at work with a vengeance, it is the start of the trauma season, so his on-call days are about to get very busy. Of course his cosmetic practice is picking up, everyone wants to be perfect for the summer. He used to take Tuesday and Friday afternoons off but now he works all day on Tuesdays and still is home by one on Fridays. Even his O.R. days are filled to the max, he used to come home early afternoon. He really is happy that he is so busy, and he really, is home everyday by 5-5:30. Can't complain, most surgeons work 60-80 hours a week. Looking forward to nice days ahead with the weather and planting. I am going to have a vegetable garden this year. Now that we had the watering system put in with the landscaping, I can really get to planting! Here is a little video clip of my busy bee.


Kimberly said... cute...I loved hearing you as well as Sophie!:) you go w/the running...a better woman than I! Of course I do have the tonest arms I've ever would be proud!

Anonymous said...

How cute! It's amazing how much they can get into in such a short amount of time. I am so impressed with the running! Way to go! Good luck with the planting - would love to hear what all you plant. I enjoy it, but am not very good at it.