My Little Angels

My Little Angels

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Pictures circa 1992

We were touring with the choir. Love the white and black hose!!
Julie and Rob at the--what was it called--old fashioned picnic?
Steve and Michelle Acre
Toooooooo Funny!
Here are some pics from the good ole days!! I hope you all enjoy--just going through old albums and thought they were very funny!


Anonymous said...

God Cherie

What a geek. The pictures just prove once a furball always a furball.


kayla said...

I'm glad I didn't get past that one sock.
Great to hear from you, thanks for letting me know about your blog.

Dara and Tico said...

helloooo Cherie!! I loved looking at your blog! Your family is lovely. My husband looked at those fotos and was SOOOOO Glad he met me now and not back then!!! ha! It is funny to realise we thought we looked good at that time! ha! what funny memories. I just got married in December 07 and enjoying every minute of my new life with my new little man. He is the best gift God sent my way. I am BLESSED. If you're ever in our neck of the woods...look us up! take care. xoxo