My Little Angels

My Little Angels

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Far Mor and Sofie
Sofie watching Daddy fish
Ryan's Land Cruiser
Sofie holding her American Flag during the parade in Silverton
Enjoying the Rheubarb Festival and the Band at the park on the fourth


Kimberly said...

Is there really a rheubarb festival?!! I love that, but we don't grow it in La.

Anonymous said...

Cherie!! How in the world are you? I've enjoyed catching up a bit via your blog. Your little girl is precious. Hope you are doing well. You know, whenever I think of you, I relive precious memories of chemistry lab with Roger! Never will I forget the night he set the lab on fire, and I have lots of other good memories as well...hanging out in Kimberly's room, choir tour, etc. Take care!
Sonja Vernon

Anonymous said...

Hey, again. Thanks for the comment on my blog. Yes, I did go into nursing. I worked nights on a telemetry floor for 4 years after graduating from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I really loved it. Seven years ago, after a bit of arm twisting from the Lord, I switched occupations to become the Dean of Women at God's Bible School in Cincinnati. I love it and am incredibly fulfilled! Go figure. About the heart stuff, to put it in a nutshell, I had a heart attack out of the blue 3 years ago. (1 month after I turned 30!) Since then, I have had 7 stents placed, had multiple angioplasties, and finally bought a CABG x3 in March. No one is sure just why I've had so many issues. The only thing they can figure is a genetic component. Anyway, I'm doing great at the moment and have learned a lot in the process. Once again, it is really great to catch up with you and to know that you're doing well. Blessings!

jenny said...

Cherie!!!!!! I am so glad you started blogging. Sophie is a doll. The camping pictures have me drooling. And the fishing, made me so sad to hear of your Dad's passing--he would have loved doing that with you, I think. My Dad passed away 4 years ago and it is still so hard, especially with grandkiddos who don't know him.

You go girl--fly fishing Cherie, I never would have thunk it!

Julia said...


I just realized I spelled your name wrong when I wrote back to you on my blog. Sorry!

Beautiful! You have such a beautiful family and, I'm with Jenny, the pictures of your land had me drooling! The fly fishing thing has me confused. I've always wondered how people catch anything when they don't seem to keep the line in the water long enough for the fish to bite. I would think it would be great arm exercise though. ;)

Marty said...

Hey girl,

It is so wonderful to "hear" from you!!! I have laughed out loud just remember what a wonderfully funny person you are! If we could go "back" for just a short time and have a few of those hardly laughs from college! Your daughter is beautiful! This is a great way to say in touch with old friends..I love it! Will read your blog often!
